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Case Study

Case Study: Viva - Together For Children

In the expansive realm of humanitarian endeavours, Viva - Together For Children stands as a beacon of hope, empowering networks of churches and organisations across 42 cities in 27 countries. When the time came to seek a visionary leader to guide this remarkable organisation into the future, Viva turned to Charisma, a recruitment firm renowned for its expertise in identifying exceptional leaders who embody the values and aspirations of their clients.

A Global Search for a Global Leader: Charisma's Successful Partnership with Viva - Together For Children

In the expansive realm of humanitarian endeavours, Viva - Together For Children stands as a beacon of hope, empowering networks of churches and organisations across 42 cities in 27 countries. When the time came to seek a visionary leader to guide this remarkable organisation into the future, Viva turned to Charisma, a recruitment firm renowned for its expertise in identifying exceptional leaders who embody the values and aspirations of their clients.

The task at hand was multifaceted, demanding a deep understanding of Viva's intricate operations, a keen eye for global talent, and the ability to navigate a complex landscape of stakeholders and partners. Charisma embraced the challenge with unwavering determination, embarking on a global quest to uncover an individual who possessed the exceptional leadership qualities and strategic acumen to steer Viva towards an era of unprecedented growth and impact.

The search began with a meticulous immersion into Viva's world, delving into the organisation's mission, values, and the intricate tapestry of its work. This deep understanding served as a compass, guiding Charisma's consultants as they ventured into the global talent pool.

With unstoppable resolve, Charisma's consultants traversed continents, meticulously identifying and approaching potential candidates from Europe, Asia, North America, and Africa. Alongside this targeted headhunting approach, Charisma cast a wider net, placing advertisements and engaging with its extensive network to draw forward a diverse pool of highly qualified individuals.

Each candidate was meticulously evaluated, undergoing in-depth interviews and rigorous assessments of their written applications. Charisma's consultants sought to uncover not only a wealth of experience and expertise but also a profound alignment with Viva's mission and a passion for making a positive impact on the lives of children worldwide.

From this global search emerged a shortlist of 11 exceptional candidates, each possessing the potential to lead Viva into a brighter future. The board of Viva, impressed by the calibre of the candidates, invited six individuals to participate in first-stage interviews. These initial interactions provided further insights into the candidates' leadership styles, strategic thinking, and their ability to connect with Viva's mission and values.

Following these in-depth assessments, three candidates were invited to final-stage interviews, where they faced rigorous scrutiny from Viva's leadership team. The selection process was a testament to Charisma's commitment to finding the perfect fit, ensuring that Viva's new CEO would not only possess the necessary skills and experience but also embody the organisation's dedication to empowering children.

After careful consideration, the board of Viva made their decision, appointing a highly accomplished, experienced, and dynamic CEO. This remarkable individual brought with them a proven track record of success in leading and managing complex organisations, coupled with an impassioned commitment to Viva's mission of transforming the lives of children worldwide.

Charisma's partnership with Viva - Together For Children stands as a testament to our dedication to identifying and placing exceptional leaders who possess the vision, skills, and passion to drive positive change. By understanding the unique needs and aspirations of each organisation it serves, Charisma consistently delivers exceptional results, ensuring that its clients are equipped with the leadership they need to thrive.

Adam Stacey
Managing Director
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